Led by Haotian Wang (left) and Feng-Yang Chen, the Rice University team published a study this month detailing how its reactor system sustainably converts waste into ammonia. Photo by Jeff Fitlow/Rice University

A team of Rice University engineers has developed a reactor design that can decarbonize ammonia production, produce clean water and potentially have applications in further research into other eco-friendly chemical processes.

Led by Rice associate professor Haotian Wang, the team published a study this month in the journal Nature Catalysis that details how the new reactor system sustainably and efficiently converts nitrates (common pollutants found in industrial wastewater and agricultural runoff) into ammonia, according to the university. The research was supported by Rice and the National Science Foundation.

“Our findings suggest a new, greener method of addressing both water pollution and ammonia production, which could influence how industries and communities handle these challenges,” Wang says in a statement. “If we want to decarbonize the grid and reach net-zero goals by 2050, there is an urgent need to develop alternative ways to produce ammonia sustainably.”

Other methods of creating ammonia include the Haber-Bosh process and electrochemical synthesis. The Haber-Bosh process requires large-scale centralized infrastructure and high temperature and pressure conditions. Meanwhile, electrochemical synthesis requires a high concentration of additive chemicals.

According to Rice, the new reactor requires less additive chemicals than the electrochemical synthesis, allowing nitrates to be converted more sustainably. The reactor relies on an innovative porous solid electrolyte as well as recyclable ions and a three-chamber system to improve the reaction’s efficiency.

Additionally, this development provides an effective water decontamination method.

“We conducted experiments where we flowed nitrate-contaminated water through this reactor and measured the amount of ammonia produced and the purity of the treated water,” Feng-Yang Chen, a Rice graduate student who is the lead author on the study, says. “We discovered that our novel reactor system could turn nitrate-contaminated water into pure ammonia and clean water very efficiently, without the need for extra chemicals. In simple terms, you put wastewater in, and you get pure ammonia and purified water out.”

Pedro Alvarez, the George R. Brown Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, director of the Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology-Enabled Water Treatment (NEWT) and the Water Technologies Entrepreneurship and Research (WaTER) Institute at Rice, says the reactor is "very timely and important" for growing cities that must deal with nitrate-contaminated groundwater supplies it.

"Conventional nitrate removal in drinking water treatment involves ion exchange or membrane filtration by reverse osmosis, which generates brines and transfers the nitrate problem from one phase to another,” he continues.

Wang's lab has been making headlines in recent years for innovative processes and technologies focused on the energy transition.

Last year, the lab published a study in Nature detailing a new technology that uses electricity to remove carbon dioxide from air capture to induce a water-and-oxygen-based electrochemical reaction, generating between 10 to 25 liters of high-purity carbon using only the power of a standard lightbulb.

In 2022, Rice reported that Wang’s lab in the George R. Brown School of Engineering had also replaced rare, expensive iridium with ruthenium, a more abundant precious metal, as the positive-electrode catalyst in a reactor that splits water into hydrogen and oxygen.

The lab received a portion of $10.8 million in research grants from the Houston-based Welch Foundation for research focused on converting carbon dioxide into useful chemicals, such as ethanol, last year. And Solidec, founded by Ryan Duchanois and Yang Xia from Wang's Lab, also received a $100,000 award from Rice as part of the One Small Step Grant program.

Wang has also been named among one of the most-cited researchers in the world.
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Global clean energy solutions provider expands in US with Houston-area location

moving in

Solar and energy storage solutions company Sineng Electric has expanded its U.S operations by officially opening its North America Service Center in Katy, Texas. The move is meant to help expand its presence in the U.S. clean energy sector.

The Fulshear facility will function as a “one-stop service hub” that will encompass office space, a technical support center, and warehouse. The space will also have opportunities for collaborative project planning, operations and maintenance (O&M) training, and real-time technical support.

"With its abundant solar resources, robust energy infrastructure, and spirit of innovation, Texas - particularly the Houston area - is poised to lead America's renewable energy revolution,” Fulshear Mayor Don McCoy says in a news release. “We enthusiastically welcome Sineng Electric to our vibrant community, confident in their ability to help shape a future that is brighter, greener, and full of possibilities.”

At the inauguration ceremony event, Sineng's technical team also introduced its solar and energy storage solutions, which included the 400kW string PCS. The400kW string PCS is tasked to help reduce initial costs while enhancing operational simplicity, and overall efficiency.

"As the United States accelerates its shift towards renewable energy to meet ambitious net-zero targets, the demand for advanced solar and energy storage solutions is surging," adds Viktor Duan, vice chairman and co-founder of Sineng Electric. "In response, Sineng has strategically established its new service center to provide on-the-ground expertise, responsive local customer service, and cutting-edge solutions to scale up the adoption of sustainable energy across the country."

A fire that burned for 4 days after Texas pipeline explosion has finally gone out

recovery mode

A pipeline fire that burned in a Houston suburb for four days finally went out Thursday as authorities announced a criminal investigation into the blaze that had roared into a towering flame, forcing neighborhoods to evacuate and melting parts of nearby cars.

Before the fire fully stopped Thursday evening, officials announced that human remains were found in an SUV that had been next to the flame since the explosion happened Monday. Investigators say the fire began after the driver of that car went through a fence alongside a Walmart parking lot and struck an above-ground valve.

Officials in Deer Park, where the explosion occurred, described the crash as an accident, and said police and local FBI agents have not found evidence of a coordinated or terrorist attack.

“This has developed into a criminal investigation and will be actively ongoing until more information is available,” the city said in a statement late Thursday.

As authorities worked to identify who had driven the vehicle, residents who were forced to flee the towering blaze returned to assess the damage on Thursday. They found mailboxes and vehicles partially melted by the intense heat, a neighborhood park charred and destroyed and fences burned to the ground.

“Devastated, upset, scared. We don’t know what we’re going to do now,” said Diane Hutto, 51, after finding her home severely damaged by water that firefighters poured on it to keep it from catching fire. Hutto’s home is located only a few hundred feet from the pipeline.

Before the fire went out, its reduced size meant police finally had access to the area around the pipeline. Investigators removed the white SUV and towed it away Thursday morning.

While medical examiners with Harris County were processing the vehicle, they recovered and removed human remains found inside, Deer Park officials said in a statement.

Officials say the underground pipeline, which runs under high-voltage power lines in a grassy corridor between the Walmart and a residential neighborhood, was damaged when the SUV driver left the store’s parking lot, entered the wide grassy area and went through a fence surrounding the valve equipment.

But authorities have offered few details on what caused the vehicle to crash through the fence and hit the pipeline valve.

Energy Transfer, the Dallas-based company that owns the pipeline, on Wednesday called it an accident. Deer Park officials said preliminary investigations by police and FBI agents found no evidence of a terrorist attack.

The pipeline is a 20-inch-wide (50-centimeter-wide) conduit that runs for miles through the Houston area. It carries natural gas liquids through Deer Park and La Porte, both of which are southeast of Houston.

Authorities evacuated nearly 1,000 homes at one point and ordered people in nearby schools to shelter in place. Officials began letting residents return to their homes on Wednesday evening.

Hutto said Thursday the fire incinerated her home’s backyard fence and partially melted a small shed where her husband stored his lawnmower. Inside the home, mold and mildew were starting to set in from the water damage, and part of the ceiling in her daughter's bedroom had collapsed.

“Everything is just soaking wet,” she said. “It smells bad. I don’t think there’s really anything we can salvage at this point.”

Across the street, Robert Blair found minor damage when he returned to his home Thursday morning. It included broken and cracked windows and a window screen and irrigation system pipes that had been melted by the heat.

“We were very lucky here. It could have been worse,” said Blair, 67.

The pipeline’s valve equipment appears to have been protected by a chain-link fence topped with barbed wire. Energy Transfer has not responded to questions about any other safety protections that were in place.

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, the county’s top elected official, said Thursday that officials will look at whether they can require companies like Energy Transfer to install better security measures, including concrete structures around pipelines and their aboveground valves.

“If they had that around it, I don’t think this would have happened,” Blair said.

Energy Transfer and Harris County officials have said that air quality monitoring showed no immediate risk to individuals, despite the huge tower of billowing flame that shot hundreds of feet into the air when the fire first began, creating thick black smoke that hovered over the area.

Houston, Texas’ largest city, is the nation’s petrochemical heartland and is home to a cluster of refineries and plants and thousands of miles of pipelines. Explosions and fires are a familiar sight in the area, including some that have been deadly, raising recurring questions about the adequacy of industry efforts to protect the public and the environment.

Hidalgo said some residents she spoke with told her they don’t feel safe living in the area after this week’s fire.

Hutto, whose husband works in a petrochemical plant, said living near such facilities has always been a concern, but this week’s fire has changed things for her.

“I don’t think I want to live here anymore. I’m just too scared to stay here,” Hutto said.