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National plastics-focused initiative names Houston expert to committee

Rachel Meidl has more than 27 years of experience in industry, government, policy, finance, international relations, and academia. Photo via

A Houston energy and sustainability expert has been named to a national committee that provides a forum for issues around national efforts to reduce plastic pollution.

Rachel Meidl, a fellow at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, was appointed to the Roundtable on Plastics Committee established by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.

"As a member of the The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Roundtable on Plastics Committee, our science- and evidence-based work will cover all aspects of the plastics lifecycle and examine interventions in plastic production, waste management, environmental and health impacts, and data collection, management, and modeling," Meidl writes on LinkedIn. "The goal is to pave the way for a sustainable circular economy for plastics. I look forward to working on this important endeavor."

Meidl has more than 27 years of experience in industry, government, policy, finance, international relations, and academia. Her research focuses on sustainability, environmental justice, resiliency, circular economy, safety and environmental regulations of the treatment, storage, disposal and transportation of hazardous materials and wastes.

She also works with understanding environmental, economic and social impacts across energy and material supply chains. Previously, she was appointed deputy associate administrator of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration in Washington, D.C.. There, she led the agency’s domestic and international strategy, policy and programs.

The roundtable is expected to be a way for federal agencies and experts in academia, industry and nongovernmental organizations to talk about future research initiatives. Activities will include aspects of the plastics lifecycle and potential interventions in plastic production and waste management; material and product design; environmental and health impacts and data collection, management and modeling. The National Academies will address the diversity and complexity of issues in reducing plastic waste by convening various sectors and experts to match each step in the lifecycle of the plastics.

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A View From HETI

Crusoe Energy Systems announced its plans to build the 200 MW data center at the Lancium Clean Campus outside Abilene, Texas. Photo via

A California AI infrastructure company has announced it's building a 200 megawatt data center in Texas and will work with The Woodlands-based Lancium, a decarbonization-focused energy technology company.

Crusoe Energy Systems LLC announced its plans to build the 200 MW data center at the Lancium Clean Campus outside Abilene, Texas. The two companies will work to bring the data center online in the coming months, reports Lancium in a news release. Once completed, the first phase will enable AI workloads at scale across 1.2 gigawatts of power capacity.

“Lancium’s mission to decarbonize compute for the most energy-intensive workloads and this scale and type of data center is game-changing,” Michael McNamara, co-founder and CEO of Lancium, says in the release. “Our energy management expertise, the integration of incremental storage and solar generation resources behind-the-meter at the campus, and Crusoe’s design approach will combine to deliver the maximum amount of green energy at the lowest possible cost, while bringing significant benefits to the Abilene community.”

Lancium's role will include "land acquisition, power interconnect, site engineering, renewables interconnect, and power orchestration," per the release. Crusoe will own and develop the data center, which is expected to go online in 2025.

“Data centers are rapidly evolving to support modern AI workloads, requiring new levels of high density rack space, direct-to-chip liquid cooling and unprecedented overall energy demands. We’ve designed this data center to enable the largest clusters of GPUs in the world to drive new breakthroughs in AI,” adds Chase Lochmiller, Crusoe’s co-founder and CEO. “Given its leadership in renewable energy and plans for the site, working with Lancium in Abilene presents a unique opportunity to sustainably power the future of AI and we’re thrilled to have the support of the city in this ambitious endeavor.”

According to the release, the project will feature direct-to-chip liquid cooling or rear-door heat exchangers and will be flexible enough to include air cooling. Once completed, each building within the data center will be able to operate up to 100,000 GPUs on a single integrated network fabric, according to the companies.

Lancium has raised $150 million since its founding in 2017, according to Crunchbase. Investors include Hanwha Solutions and SBI Group.

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