taking notes

Houston climate-focused week begins, DOE's $22.4M grant, and more things to know

Houston energy transition folks — here's what to know to start your week. Photo via Getty Images

Editor's note: Dive headfirst into the new week with three quick things to catch up on in Houston's energy transition.

DOE's energy efficiency-focused federal grant program grants Texas with $22.4M

Texas is among one of 17 states and territories to receive a portion of $66 million in awards for initiatives that pump federal dollars into their communities to support energy efficient projects.

The funds come from the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Capitalization Grant Program. The RLF Program awards are intended to be put toward state-based loans and grants that go towards local businesses homeowners, and public spaces for "for energy efficiency audits, upgrades, and retrofits to increase energy efficiency," according to the DOE.

Texas received the largest portion thus far at $22.4 million. The dollars will go toward the creation of a new Texas-based revolving loan fund that operationally matches the existing Texas LoanSTAR revolving loan program. Read more.

Fresh insights: Rice University releases data, analysis on future of global energy

The Center for Energy Studies at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy has released a collection of articles addressing the most pressing policy issues in global energy.

The inaugural Energy Insights was supported by ongoing research at CES, with a goal of better understanding the energy landscape over the next few years.

“While no one can predict exactly what comes next, if we are paying attention, the road we travel provides plenty of signposts that can be used to understand the challenges and opportunities ahead,” wrote CES Senior Director Kenneth Medlock. Read more.

Roundup: Navigating Houston's two September climate-focused weeks

Houston is playing host to a ton of energy and climate-focused events next month. Photo courtesy of the Ion

This week, Houston is hosting tons of energy and climate-focused events. Here's what all to consider attending.

Find out more information about each week online:

Mark your calendars for next week for Gastech.