Led by Haotian Wang (left) and Feng-Yang Chen, the Rice University team published a study this month detailing how its reactor system sustainably converts waste into ammonia. Photo by Jeff Fitlow/Rice University

A team of Rice University engineers has developed a reactor design that can decarbonize ammonia production, produce clean water and potentially have applications in further research into other eco-friendly chemical processes.

Led by Rice associate professor Haotian Wang, the team published a study this month in the journal Nature Catalysis that details how the new reactor system sustainably and efficiently converts nitrates (common pollutants found in industrial wastewater and agricultural runoff) into ammonia, according to the university. The research was supported by Rice and the National Science Foundation.

“Our findings suggest a new, greener method of addressing both water pollution and ammonia production, which could influence how industries and communities handle these challenges,” Wang says in a statement. “If we want to decarbonize the grid and reach net-zero goals by 2050, there is an urgent need to develop alternative ways to produce ammonia sustainably.”

Other methods of creating ammonia include the Haber-Bosh process and electrochemical synthesis. The Haber-Bosh process requires large-scale centralized infrastructure and high temperature and pressure conditions. Meanwhile, electrochemical synthesis requires a high concentration of additive chemicals.

According to Rice, the new reactor requires less additive chemicals than the electrochemical synthesis, allowing nitrates to be converted more sustainably. The reactor relies on an innovative porous solid electrolyte as well as recyclable ions and a three-chamber system to improve the reaction’s efficiency.

Additionally, this development provides an effective water decontamination method.

“We conducted experiments where we flowed nitrate-contaminated water through this reactor and measured the amount of ammonia produced and the purity of the treated water,” Feng-Yang Chen, a Rice graduate student who is the lead author on the study, says. “We discovered that our novel reactor system could turn nitrate-contaminated water into pure ammonia and clean water very efficiently, without the need for extra chemicals. In simple terms, you put wastewater in, and you get pure ammonia and purified water out.”

Pedro Alvarez, the George R. Brown Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, director of the Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology-Enabled Water Treatment (NEWT) and the Water Technologies Entrepreneurship and Research (WaTER) Institute at Rice, says the reactor is "very timely and important" for growing cities that must deal with nitrate-contaminated groundwater supplies it.

"Conventional nitrate removal in drinking water treatment involves ion exchange or membrane filtration by reverse osmosis, which generates brines and transfers the nitrate problem from one phase to another,” he continues.

Wang's lab has been making headlines in recent years for innovative processes and technologies focused on the energy transition.

Last year, the lab published a study in Nature detailing a new technology that uses electricity to remove carbon dioxide from air capture to induce a water-and-oxygen-based electrochemical reaction, generating between 10 to 25 liters of high-purity carbon using only the power of a standard lightbulb.

In 2022, Rice reported that Wang’s lab in the George R. Brown School of Engineering had also replaced rare, expensive iridium with ruthenium, a more abundant precious metal, as the positive-electrode catalyst in a reactor that splits water into hydrogen and oxygen.

The lab received a portion of $10.8 million in research grants from the Houston-based Welch Foundation for research focused on converting carbon dioxide into useful chemicals, such as ethanol, last year. And Solidec, founded by Ryan Duchanois and Yang Xia from Wang's Lab, also received a $100,000 award from Rice as part of the One Small Step Grant program.

Wang has also been named among one of the most-cited researchers in the world.
Peng Zhu (left) and Haotian Wang developed a carbon-capture device prototype. Photos courtesy Jeff Fitlow/Rice University

Rice scientists develop simple but game-changing carbon capture device

small scale, big impact

A Rice University lab has developed an efficient, scalable way to capture carbon dioxide — and it just needs to be plugged into a power outlet to work.

The new technology developed in the lab of chemical and biomolecular engineer Haotian Wang, the William Marsh Rice Trustee Chair and an associate professor at Rice, uses electricity to remove carbon dioxide from air capture to induce a water-and-oxygen-based electrochemical reaction. The findings were shared in a study published in Nature last month.

Traditionally, carbon capture requires very energy intensive processes that need high temperatures and for the carbon that's been captured to be regenerated. The process also often requires large-scale infrastructure.

In the Wang lab's method, the small reactor can continuously remove carbon dioxide from a simulated flue gas with nearly 100 percent efficiency, generating between 10 to 25 liters of high-purity carbon using only the power of a standard lightbulb, according to a statement from Rice.

It does not create or consume chemicals, nor does it need to be heated up or pressurized, according to Wang. And it only requires a simple power source.

"The technology can be scaled up to industrial settings—power plants, chemical plants—but the great thing about it is that it allows for small-scale use as well: I can even use it in my office,” Wang says in the statement. “We could, for example, pull carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and continuously inject that concentrated gas into a greenhouse to stimulate plant growth. We’ve heard from space technology companies interested in using the device on space stations to remove the carbon dioxide astronauts exhale.”

Wang and lab member Peng Zhu, a chemical and biomolecular engineering graduate student at Rice and lead author on the study, initially made the discovery when working on an earlier version of the reactor intended for carbon dioxide utilization.

During this process Zhu noticed that gas bubbles flowed out of the reactor’s middle chamber when producing liquid products like acetic acid and formic acid, and that the number of bubbles would increase when more current was applied to the reactor.

This led the scientists to realize that the reactor was creating carbonate ions that were converted into a continuous flow of high-purity carbon dioxide after passing through the reactor's solid-electrolyte layer.

“Scientific discovery often requires this patient, continuous observation and the curiosity to learn what’s really going on, the choice not to neglect those phenomena that don’t necessarily fit in the experimental frame," Wang said in a statement.

A number of players in the Houston area have been making headway in carbon capture space in recent weeks.

Earlier this summer, the U.S. Department of Energy granted more than $45 million in federal funding to four Houston companies to promote the capture, transportation, use, and storage of tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

The Rice Alliance also recently named 15 startups to its Clean Energy Accelerator. A number of the fledgling companies are focused on carbon management and capture.

Video by Brandon Martin/Rice University

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New research center at Rice aims to work toward strict EPA standards for forever chemicals

pfas r&d

Rice University announced a new research center that will focus on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) called the Rice PFAS Alternatives and Remediation Center (R-PARC).

R-PARC promises to unite industry, policy experts, researchers, and entrepreneurs to “foster collaboration and accelerate the development of innovative solutions to several PFAS challenges,” according to a news release. Challenges include comprehensive PFAS characterization and risk assessment, water treatment infrastructure upgrades, contaminated site remediation, and the safe alternatives development.

“We firmly believe that Rice is exceptionally well-positioned to develop disruptive technologies and innovations to address the global challenges posed by PFAS,” Rice President Reginald DesRoches says in a news release. “We look forward to deepening our relationship with ERDC and working together to address these critical challenges.”

The Environmental Protection Agency issued its stringent standards for some of the most common PFAS, which set the maximum contaminant level at 4.0 parts per trillion for two of them. Pedro Alvarez, Rice’s George R. Brown Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, director of the WaTER Institute, likened this in a news release to “four drops in 1,000 Olympic pools,” and also advocated that the only way to meet these strict standards is through technological innovation.

The center will be housed under Rice’s Water Technologies Entrepreneurship and Research (WaTER) Institute that was launched in January 2024. The WaTER Institute has worked on advancements in clean water technology research and applications established during the decade-long tenure of the Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology Enabled Water Treatment, which was funded by the National Science Foundation.

“The challenge of PFAS cuts across several of the four major research trajectories that define Rice’s strategic vision,” Rice’s executive vice president for research and professor of materials science and nanoengineering and physics and astronomy Ramamoorthy Ramesh, adds in the release. “R-PARC will help focus and amplify ongoing work on PFAS remediation at Rice.”

The ERDC delegation was led by agency director David Pittman who also serves as the director of research and development and chief scientist for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. ERDC representatives also met with several Rice researchers that were involved in work related to the environment, and sustainability, and toured the labs and facilities.

Texas ride-hailing app grows Houston fleet with EV additions

rolling out

Your next Alto ride might be electric. The Dallas-based car service has rolled out electric vehicles in Houston.

Alto, founded in Dallas in 2018 and launched in Houston in 2020, elevates ridesharing with its own fleet of company-owned, clearly branded SUVs driven by its staff of drivers. The company previously announced its plans to evolve its fleet into being completely electric, and the first EVs have hit the road, according to a company email.

"Our EV additions to the Houston fleet mark an important moment in our commitment to significantly reduce Alto's environmental impact," reads the email sent on September 5.

The new cars offer similar features to its existing fleet, including legroom, phone chargers, water bottles for riders, and more. Plus, the new cars — Kia EV9 — boast a quieter ride.

Alto has consistently grown in its Texas markets — which include Houston and Dallas — over the years, including expanding into Houston's suburbs.

Will Coleman, CEO of Alto, previously wrote in a guest column for InnovationMap that his priorities for starting the company included safety — but also sustainability. For years, Alto has been expressing interest in introducing EVs, with plans of having a completely electric fleet.

"This EV vision is one example of how a rideshare company can build a better and more accountable industry, and these steps also give Houstonians a more responsible and sustainable transportation solution," Coleman writes.