Led by Haotian Wang (left) and Feng-Yang Chen, the Rice University team published a study this month detailing how its reactor system sustainably converts waste into ammonia. Photo by Jeff Fitlow/Rice University

A team of Rice University engineers has developed a reactor design that can decarbonize ammonia production, produce clean water and potentially have applications in further research into other eco-friendly chemical processes.

Led by Rice associate professor Haotian Wang, the team published a study this month in the journal Nature Catalysis that details how the new reactor system sustainably and efficiently converts nitrates (common pollutants found in industrial wastewater and agricultural runoff) into ammonia, according to the university. The research was supported by Rice and the National Science Foundation.

“Our findings suggest a new, greener method of addressing both water pollution and ammonia production, which could influence how industries and communities handle these challenges,” Wang says in a statement. “If we want to decarbonize the grid and reach net-zero goals by 2050, there is an urgent need to develop alternative ways to produce ammonia sustainably.”

Other methods of creating ammonia include the Haber-Bosh process and electrochemical synthesis. The Haber-Bosh process requires large-scale centralized infrastructure and high temperature and pressure conditions. Meanwhile, electrochemical synthesis requires a high concentration of additive chemicals.

According to Rice, the new reactor requires less additive chemicals than the electrochemical synthesis, allowing nitrates to be converted more sustainably. The reactor relies on an innovative porous solid electrolyte as well as recyclable ions and a three-chamber system to improve the reaction’s efficiency.

Additionally, this development provides an effective water decontamination method.

“We conducted experiments where we flowed nitrate-contaminated water through this reactor and measured the amount of ammonia produced and the purity of the treated water,” Feng-Yang Chen, a Rice graduate student who is the lead author on the study, says. “We discovered that our novel reactor system could turn nitrate-contaminated water into pure ammonia and clean water very efficiently, without the need for extra chemicals. In simple terms, you put wastewater in, and you get pure ammonia and purified water out.”

Pedro Alvarez, the George R. Brown Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, director of the Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology-Enabled Water Treatment (NEWT) and the Water Technologies Entrepreneurship and Research (WaTER) Institute at Rice, says the reactor is "very timely and important" for growing cities that must deal with nitrate-contaminated groundwater supplies it.

"Conventional nitrate removal in drinking water treatment involves ion exchange or membrane filtration by reverse osmosis, which generates brines and transfers the nitrate problem from one phase to another,” he continues.

Wang's lab has been making headlines in recent years for innovative processes and technologies focused on the energy transition.

Last year, the lab published a study in Nature detailing a new technology that uses electricity to remove carbon dioxide from air capture to induce a water-and-oxygen-based electrochemical reaction, generating between 10 to 25 liters of high-purity carbon using only the power of a standard lightbulb.

In 2022, Rice reported that Wang’s lab in the George R. Brown School of Engineering had also replaced rare, expensive iridium with ruthenium, a more abundant precious metal, as the positive-electrode catalyst in a reactor that splits water into hydrogen and oxygen.

The lab received a portion of $10.8 million in research grants from the Houston-based Welch Foundation for research focused on converting carbon dioxide into useful chemicals, such as ethanol, last year. And Solidec, founded by Ryan Duchanois and Yang Xia from Wang's Lab, also received a $100,000 award from Rice as part of the One Small Step Grant program.

Wang has also been named among one of the most-cited researchers in the world.
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9 carbontech startups named to Greentown Labs accelerator program

new cohort

A carbon innovation initiative in collaboration with Greentown Houston has named its new cohort.

The Carbon to Value Initiative (C2V Initiative) — a collaboration between NYU Tandon School of Engineering's Urban Future Lab (UFL), Greentown Labs, and Fraunhofer USA — has named nine startup participants for the fourth year of its carbontech accelerator program.

"Once again, the C2V Initiative has been able to select some of the most promising carbontech startups through a very competitive process with a 7 percent acceptance rate," Frederic Clerc, director of the C2V Initiative and interim managing director of UFL, says in a news release. "The diversity of this cohort, in its technologies, products, geographies, and stages, makes it an amazing snapshot of the rapidly evolving carbontech innovation landscape."

The cohort was selected from over a hundred applications from nearly 30 countries. In the six-month program, the nine companies gain access to the C2V Initiative's Carbontech Leadership Council, an invitation-only group of corporate, nonprofit, and government leaders who provide commercialization opportunities and identify avenues for technology validation, testing, and demonstration.

The year four cohort, according to the release, includes:

  • Ardent, from New Castle, Delaware, is a process technology company that is developing membrane-based solutions for point-source carbon capture and other chemical separations.
  • CarbonBlue, from Haifa, Israel, develops a chemical process that mineralizes and extracts CO2 from water, which then reabsorbs more atmospheric CO2.
  • MacroCycle, from Somerville, Massachusetts, develops a chemical recycling process to turn polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyester-fiber waste into "virgin-grade" plastics.
  • Maple Materials, from Richmond, California,develops an electrolysis process to convert CO2 into graphite and oxygen.
  • Oxylus Energy, from New Haven, Connecticut, develops a direct electrochemical process to convert CO2 into fuels and chemical feedstocks, such as methanol.
  • Phlair, from Munich, Germany, develops a renewable-energy-powered Direct Air Capture (DAC) system using an electrochemical process for acid and base generation.
  • Secant Fuel, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, develops a one-step electrocatalytic process that converts flue gas into syngas.
  • RenewCO2, from Somerset, New Jersey, is developing an electrochemical process to convert CO2 into fuels and chemicals, such as sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) or propylene glycol.
  • Seabound, from London, England, builds carbon-capture equipment for new and existing ships.

"The depth and breadth of carbontech innovations represented in this applicant pool speaks volumes to this growing and dynamic industry around the world," adds Kevin Dutt, Interim CEO of Greentown Labs. "We're eager to support these nine impressive companies as they progress through this program and look forward to seeing how they engage with the CLC now and into the future."

The C2V Initiative will host a public Year 4 kickoff event on Sept. 19 at Greentown Houston and via livestream.

Hundreds of homes near Houston still under evacuation orders as pipeline fire burns for second day

news update

A pipeline fire that erupted in a suburban Houston neighborhood burned throughout a second day and into the night Tuesday with still no definitive word on when the blaze would finally go out, when nearby residents may be able to return home or why a car drove through a fence and hit a valve before the destructive explosion.

Although the fire was getting smaller, the disruptions caused by the Monday morning explosion in a grassy corridor between a Walmart and a residential neighborhood left some locals increasingly weary. On Tuesday, people could be seen returning to their homes to get clothes and other items before quickly leaving again.

“We literally walked out with the clothes on our backs, the pets, and just left the neighborhood with no idea where we were going,” Kristina Reff said. “That was frustrating.”

Over 36 hours after the blast — which shot towering flames like a blowtorch above the suburbs of Deer Park and La Porte — authorities have provided few details about the circumstances leading up to the explosion.

Investigators said it happened after the driver of a sport utility vehicle went through a fence near the Walmart and struck an above-ground valve. As of Tuesday evening, authorities had not still not identified the driver or said what happened to them.

Deer Park officials have said police and FBI agents found no preliminary evidence to suggest the explosion of the pipeline, which carried natural gas liquids, was a coordinated or terrorist attack. In a statement Monday night, the city said it “appears to be an isolated incident” but officials have not provided details on how they came to that conclusion.

The car was incinerated by the explosion, which scorched the ground across a wide radius, severed power transmission lines, melted playground equipment and ignited some homes.

The valve, which appears to have been protected by a chain-link fence topped with barbed wire, is located within a long grassy field where high-voltage power lines run. Several pipelines run underground.

Authorities evacuated nearly 1,000 homes at one point and ordered people in nearby schools to shelter in place. By Tuesday afternoon that number was down to just over 400.

“The fire is still burning, but the good news is that the pressure within the pipeline is continuously dropping, which means we are getting closer to the fire going out,” Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said in a statement.

Operators shut off the flow after the explosion, but Hidalgo has said that 20 miles (32 kilometers) of pipeline stretched between the two closed valves and the chemicals inside had to burn off before the fire would stop.

Robert Hall, a senior advisor at the nonprofit Pipeline Safety Trust, said it’s not surprising that it’s taken more than a day for the material to stop burning.

“You’re talking about 20-inch pipelines and miles between valves, so it takes a long time to burn down,” Hall said.

On Tuesday, the Texas Railroad Commission that regulates the state’s oil and gas industry said its inspectors only will enter the site after it is deemed safe by emergency authorities.

Houston is the nation’s petrochemical heartland and is home to a cluster of refineries and plants and thousands of miles of pipelines. Explosions and fires are a familiar sight, and some have been deadly, raising recurring questions about industry efforts to protect the public and the environment.

Hall, who previously oversaw pipeline and hazardous materials investigations for the National Transportation Safety Board, said there are few regulations that govern the location of pipelines near homes and businesses.

“That becomes a very local issue, community by community,” Hall said, adding that some jurisdictions require bollards — sturdy pipes filled with concrete — to prevent vehicles from crashing into sensitive infrastructure.

Hidalgo said Tuesday that Energy Transfer, the Dallas-based owner of the pipeline, has said it was working to isolate parts of the pipeline closest to the fire by clamping it on each side.

Energy Transfer did not immediately respond to a question about what safety precautions were in place near the valve.

Hall said regulations from 2022 aimed at reducing deaths and environmental damage from ruptures were geared toward gas lines, not those carrying liquids, and would not have applied to this pipeline. He added that many new safety regulations that have been put in place do not apply retroactively to pre-existing pipelines.

Both Energy Transfer and Harris County Pollution Control were conducting air monitoring in the area and have found no health issues, according to Deer Park officials.

Since leaving home, Reff and her family have been staying in a hotel room paid for by Energy Transfer. But they were eager to return.

“It would be nice to be in our own beds,” she said.

Baker Hughes launches new digital platform for CCUS operations

now online

Baker Hughes has announced the debut of its digital platform to track CO2 volumes in real time, CarbonEdge. CarbonEdge utilizes carbon capture utilization and sequestration journey, which includes pipeline flows.

Powered by Cordant, the Houston-based Baker Hughes boasts CarbonEdge is “the first end-to-end, risk-based digital platform for CCUS operations that provides comprehensive support, regulatory reporting, and operational risk management,” according to the company.

The connectivity across the entire CCUS project lifecycle will assist customers to better improve decision-making, enhance operational efficiency, identify and manage risk, and simplify regulatory reporting. Applicable to any CCUS infrastructure applied across multiple industries, CarbonEdge joins other Baker Hughes’ digital solutions in JewelSuite, Leucipa, and Cordant, which all span the energy and industrial value chains to help ensure lower emissions.

“CCUS technology solutions are essential for driving decarbonization of the energy and industrial sectors on our path to solving for climate change,” Baker Hughes Chairman and CEO Lorenzo Simonelli says in a news release.

The launch customer will be Wabash Valley Resources (WVR), which is a low-carbon ammonia fertilizer pioneer in Indiana.WVR will deploy Baker Hughes’ CarbonEdge platform to monitor, measure, and verify volumes of CO2 transported, collected, and sequestered underground.

“With the launch of CarbonEdge, we not only expand our portfolio of digital solutions to support new energies and empower our customers’ ability to mitigate risk while enhancing operational efficiency, but also take a bold step toward a future with more sustainable energy development,” Simonelli continues.”We look forward to working alongside Wabash Valley Resources to refine and evolve CarbonEdge, ensuring it continues to meet the dynamic needs of a rapidly changing industry.”