The conversation with Jason Beck of ZettaWatts offers a glimpse into the exciting world of energy transition.

For Jason Beck, a cleaner future is personal. That's why his company, ZettaWatts, is making clean energy more affordable and available.

In this Energy Tech Startups episode, we dive deep into the world of energy transition technologies with Beck from ZettaWatts. Jason shares his unique perspective on the evolving energy landscape, the importance of climate journeys, and the innovative solutions ZettaWatts is bringing to the table.

The conversation with Beck offers a glimpse into the exciting world of energy transition. As we move towards a more sustainable future, it's essential to stay informed and engaged with the latest developments in the sector.

Energy Tech Startups: What is ZettaWatts' primary mission in the energy transition landscape?

JasonBeck: ZettaWatts is deeply committed to enabling energy transition technologies to reach the market and improve their financial viability. The company's primary goal is to bridge the gap between groundbreaking technologies and the financial structures that support them. By doing so, they hope to accelerate the adoption of sustainable energy solutions.

ETS: You mentioned the importance of individual "climate journeys." Can you elaborate on this concept?

JB: Absolutely. A climate journey refers to an individual's evolving understanding and commitment to sustainability and climate action. It's a personal path that often starts with a growing awareness of environmental issues and culminates in concrete actions to address them. My own journey began with a realization of the pressing need for collective action against climate change. It's essential for everyone to embark on their climate journey, as it fosters a sense of responsibility and drives impactful change.

ETS: Houston is emerging as a hub for energy transition. What makes the city stand out in this regard?

JB: Houston's energy ecosystem is vibrant and diverse. Historically known for its oil and gas industry, the city is now embracing renewable energy and sustainable solutions. This shift is evident in the increasing number of startups, research institutions, and established companies focusing on green energy in the region. The collaborative spirit and wealth of resources make Houston an ideal place for companies like ZettaWatts to thrive.

ETS: How does ZettaWatts differentiate itself as a market maker in the energy sector?

JB: Unlike traditional bilateral markets, ZettaWatts operates as a market maker by aggregating demand and supply. This unique approach allows for instant diversification, reducing risks for both buyers and sellers. By acting as a central hub, ZettaWatts can efficiently match renewable energy projects with interested investors, streamlining the process and ensuring optimal outcomes for all parties involved.

ETS:  Decarbonization by 2050 is a significant goal. How do you see renewable energy playing a role in achieving this target?

JB: Renewable energy is pivotal in addressing the carbon problem. To achieve decarbonization by 2050, we need a comprehensive plan, and renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydro play a crucial role in this roadmap. I highly recommend the book "Speed and Scale" as it provides a master plan for this ambitious goal. With the right strategies and collective effort, I believe we can create a sustainable future.


This conversation has been edited for brevity and clarity. Click here to listen to the full episode.

Hosted by Jason Ethier and Nada Ahmed, the Digital Wildcatters’ podcast, Energy Tech Startups, delves into Houston's pivotal role in the energy transition, spotlighting entrepreneurs and industry leaders shaping a low-carbon future. Digital Wildcatters is a Houston-based media platform and podcast network, which is home to the Energy Tech Startups podcast.

Manas Pathak's insights offer a glimpse into the future of energy storage and the innovations that companies like Earthen are bringing to the table. Photo via

Q&A: The breakthrough energy tech that could replace batteries forever

now streaming

In the rapidly evolving world of energy technology, few innovations hold as much promise as the solutions being developed by Earthen.

We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Manas Pathak, the CEO and co-founder of Earthen, to delve into the company's groundbreaking thermo-mechanical energy storage system. In this Q&A, we explore the core of Earthen's technology, its potential impact on the energy sector, and what the future holds.

Manas Pathak's insights offer a glimpse into the future of energy storage and the innovations that companies like Earthen are bringing to the table. As the energy sector continues to evolve, solutions like these will play a pivotal role in shaping a sustainable future.

Energy Tech Startups: Can you explain the unique approach Earthen takes with its thermo-mechanical energy storage using supercritical CO2?

ManasPathak: Certainly. At Earthen, we've developed a thermo-mechanical energy storage solution that leverages supercritical CO2. This phase of CO2, achieved at high pressures and temperatures, behaves both as a liquid and a gas. It's central to our technology, offering a compact, safe, and cost-effective solution for long-duration energy storage. Think of it as a modern take on compressed air storage but using CO2 for superior results.

Q: With so many energy storage solutions emerging, what sets Earthen's system apart in terms of efficiency?

MP: Our system boasts a competitive round-trip efficiency of 78%, which is quite remarkable. To put it in perspective, this efficiency rivals that of lithium-ion batteries. The use of supercritical CO2 is central to achieving this efficiency, allowing us to harness its unique properties for optimal energy storage and retrieval.

Q: How does Earthen's technology integrate with existing infrastructure, like pipelines?

MP: One of the exciting applications of our technology is its ability to retrofit pipelines, converting them into energy storage assets. This means that existing infrastructure, like pipelines initially designed for other purposes, can be repurposed and utilized for energy storage, maximizing the use of resources and reducing the need for new constructions.

Q: What are Earthen's plans for the future, especially in terms of product launches and market presence?

MP: We're quite ambitious about our roadmap. We aim to launch our first commercial product by 2026-2027. As for our market strategy, we're targeting a diverse range of customer segments, from utility-scale energy storage to commercial-industrial spaces. Our mission is to democratize access to clean energy on a global scale, and we're taking concrete steps to realize that vision.

Q: Lastly, what inspired the creation of Earthen and its focus on equitable energy distribution?

MP: Growing up in India, I witnessed firsthand the disparities in energy consumption. The smallest homes often faced the longest power outages. This early realization highlighted the need for equitable energy distribution. At Earthen, our end goal is to see clean electrons reaching every corner of the globe, ensuring that everyone has access to reliable and sustainable energy.


This conversation has been edited for brevity and clarity. Click here to listen to the full episode.

Hosted by Jason Ethier and Nada Ahmed, the Digital Wildcatters’ podcast, Energy Tech Startups, delves into Houston's pivotal role in the energy transition, spotlighting entrepreneurs and industry leaders shaping a low-carbon future. Digital Wildcatters is a Houston-based media platform and podcast network, which is home to the Energy Tech Startups podcast.

At last year's awards program, Cemvita Factory's co-founders, Tara and Moji Karimi, accepted the award for the Green Impact Business category. This year, Moji Karimi served as a judge

18 Houston energy startups named finalists for innovation awards program

companies to watch

The 2023 Houston Innovation Awards announced its 52 finalists — a large portion of which are promising energy transition startups.

The awards program — hosted by EnergyCapital's sister site, InnovationMap, and Houston Exponential — will name its winners on November 8 at the Houston Innovation Awards. The program was established to honor the best and brightest companies and individuals from the city's innovation community.

The following startups, which all have an energy transition element to their business, received a finalist position in one or two categories.

Click here to secure your tickets to see who wins.

  • ALLY Energy, helping energy companies and climate startups find, develop, and retain great talent, scored two finalist positions — one in the Female-Owned Business category and the other in the Social Impact Business category.
  • Eden Grow Systems, next generation farming technologies, is a finalist in the People's Choice: Startup of the Year category.
  • Feelit Technologies, nanotechnology for preventive maintenance to eliminate leaks, fires and explosions, increase safety and reduce downtime, is a finalist in the Female-Owned Business category and the People's Choice: Startup of the Year category.
  • Fervo Energy, leveraging proven oil and gas drilling technology to deliver 24/7 carbon-free geothermal energy, scored two finalist positions — one in the Sustainability Business category and the other in the People's Choice: Startup of the Year category.
  • FluxWorks, making frictionless gearboxes for missions in any environment, is a finalist in the Hardtech Business category.
  • Helix Earth Technologies, decarbonizing the built environment and heavy industry, is a finalist in the Hardtech Business category.
  • INOVUES, re-energizing building facades through its non-invasive window retrofit innovations, making building smarter, greener, and healthier for a better and sustainable future, was named a finalist in the SustainabilityBusiness category.
  • Kanin Energy, helping heavy industry monetize their waste heat and decarbonize their operations, was named a finalist in the BIPOC-Owned Business and the SustainabilityBusiness categories.
  • Mars Materials, developing a carbon-negative pathway for carbon fiber and acrylamide production using CO2 and biomass as raw materials, is a finalist in the BIPOC-Owned Business category.
  • Molecule, an energy/commodity trading risk management software that provides users with an efficient, reliable, responsive platform for managing trade risk, is a finalist in the Digital Solutions Business category.
  • Rhythm Energy, 100 percent renewable electricity service for residential customers in Texas, is a finalist in the People's Choice: Startup of the Year category.
  • Sage Geosystems, a cost-effective geothermal baseload energy solution company, also innovating underground energy storage solutions, was named a finalist in the Sustainability Business category.
  • Solugen, decarbonizing the chemical industry, is a finalist in the Hardtech Business category.
  • Square Robot, applying robotic technology to eliminate the need to put people into dangerous enclosed spaces and eliminate taking tanks out of service, is a finalist in the HardtechBusiness category.
  • Syzygy Plasmonics, a deep decarbonization company that builds chemical reactors designed to use light instead of combustion to produce valuable chemicals like hydrogen and sustainable fuels, is a finalist in the HardtechBusiness category.
  • Tierra Climate, decarbonizing the power grid faster by helping grid-scale batteries monetize their environmental benefits and change their operational behavior to abate more carbon, was named a finalist in the SustainabilityBusiness category.
  • Utility Global, a technology company converting a range of waste gases into sustainable hydrogen and syngas, was named a finalist in the SustainabilityBusiness category.
  • Venus Aerospace, a hypersonics company on track to fly reusable hypersonic flight platforms by 2024, is a finalist in the HardtechBusiness category.

Additionally, two energy companies were named to the Corporate of the Year category, which honors corporations that supports startups and/or the Houston innovation community. Aramco Ventures and Chevron Technology Ventures are two of the four finalists in this category.

Lastly, Jason Ethier, co-founder of Lambda Catalyzer and host of the Energy Tech Startups podcast, and Kendrick Alridge, senior manager of community at Greentown Labs, scored finalist positions in the Ecosystem Builder category, as individuals who have acted as leaders in developing Houston’s startup ecosystem.

Click here to see the full list of finalists.

Rawand Rasheed, the CEO and founder of Helix Earth Technologies, joins the Energy Tech Startups podcast. Photo via LinkedIn

From NASA to HVAC: How this Houston tech startup is revolutionizing energy-efficient air conditioning


Excessive energy consumption in air conditioning systems is a pressing issue with far-reaching implications for carbon emissions and climate change.

Rawand Rasheed, the CEO and founder of Helix Earth Technologies, is at the forefront of addressing this challenge. With a distinguished background as an aerospace engineer with NASA, Rawand’s expertise is now channeled towards the built environment and heavy industries.

In a recent episode of Energy Tech Startups, we dive into how Rawand’s journey from space technology innovations is now revolutionizing energy consumption in air conditioning systems.

In an era where the urgency to combat climate change is palpable, innovators like Rawand Rasheed are making monumental strides in bridging the gap between space-age technology and sustainable solutions for our planet. Drawing from her unique experiences at NASA and her unwavering commitment to the environment, Rawand's work with Helix Earth Technologies exemplifies the transformative potential of cross-disciplinary expertise. As we witness the evolution of her groundbreaking technology in the HVAC sector, it serves as a potent reminder that with determination, innovation, and a clear vision, we can indeed reshape our world for the better. The future of energy-efficient air conditioning, and by extension, a more sustainable world, is on the horizon, and pioneers like Rawand are leading the way.

Energy Tech Startups: How did your experience at NASA inspire your work in decarbonization and HVAC?

Rawand Rasheed: At NASA, we often faced unique challenges that required innovative solutions, especially in space. One such challenge was fighting fires in space using a micrometer-sized droplet spray of water. This led us to develop an efficient filter that could capture these small droplets without any moving parts. This technology, initially designed for space, turned out to have significant implications for climate tech, particularly in capturing and filtering air streams.

ETS: How does your technology help in reducing energy consumption in air conditioning systems?

RR: Our technology can significantly reduce air conditioning energy loads, cutting them by over 50%. It works by absorbing more from air streams, making the cooling process more efficient. Currently, we're focusing on commercial HVAC systems and are close to scaling our system to a commercial unit. Within the next year, we aim to demonstrate the effectiveness of our system at this scale through pilot projects.

ETS: How did your early life shape your entrepreneurial aspirations?

RR: Growing up, I witnessed firsthand the power of determination and hard work. Starting from scratch, both culturally and financially, and achieving success made me believe that anything is possible. This belief, combined with my passion for the environment and engineering, always fueled my desire to start a company. My graduate studies further solidified this aspiration, merging my interests and leading me to establish my own venture in the realm of environmental engineering.


This conversation has been edited for brevity and clarity. Click here to listen to the full episode. Hosted by Jason Ethier and Nada Ahmed, the Digital Wildcatters’ podcast, Energy Tech Startups, delves into Houston's pivotal role in the energy transition, spotlighting entrepreneurs and industry leaders shaping a low-carbon future. Digital Wildcatters is a Houston-based media platform and podcast network, which is home to the Energy Tech Startups podcast.

Houston-based INOVUES CEO Anas Al Kassas joins the Energy Tech Startups podcast to discuss his company's energy-saving tech. Photo via

Houston innovator on the impact of facade enhancement on the energy transition

guest column

Imagine a world where outdated building facades transform overnight into modern marvels without the chaos of construction or the burden of exorbitant costs.

In the recent podcast episode on Energy Tech Startups, Anas Al Kassas, the CEO of INOVUES, unveils a groundbreaking technology that promises just that. This isn't just about a facelift; it's about revolutionizing energy efficiency, embracing smart-class innovations, and redefining the aesthetics of urban landscapes.

The Advantages of Facade Technology

One of the key advantages Al Kassas highlighted was the ability to significantly reduce both the cost and environmental impact of upgrading building facades. Al Kassas explained that by utilizing INOVUES' technology, the existing systems can be updated and improved without the need for removing or discarding the windows. This approach not only saves on material costs but also avoids disruption during installation. Additionally, the fast installation process and lower labor costs further contribute to the overall cost-effectiveness of the solution.

The Role of Design Aesthetics in Building Upgrades

While energy efficiency is a primary driver for building upgrades, Al Kassas emphasized the importance of design aesthetics in the commercial real estate market. He explained that modernizing the appearance of older buildings, which may still perform well but suffer from outdated perceptions, can attract more tenants and make them more competitive. With INOVUES' solution, building owners have the opportunity to improve the aesthetics of their facades by incorporating the latest glass technologies, colors, and frit patterns (translucent patterns on glass). This not only enhances the building's appearance but also contributes to glare reduction and customization options for different tenants' needs.

The Potential for Rentable Facades

During the conversation, Al Kassas speculated about the potential for rentable facades powered by INOVUES' technology. Just as Apple offers an upgrade plan for its devices, this concept proposes a similar model for building owners to continually incorporate the latest technologies every few years. By avoiding upfront costs and providing immediate benefits such as lower energy bills, improved tenant satisfaction, and a more sustainable building, this rentable facade approach could revolutionize the industry and make energy-efficient upgrades more accessible for a wider range of buildings.

The Current Funding Landscape and Future Growth

INOVUES' journey in securing funding, as discussed in the podcast, sheds light on the challenges faced by energy tech startups. The CEO highlighted the importance of timing and identifying the right investors who share the vision and understand the industry landscape. Despite the difficulties, INOVUES has successfully raised capital, including participation from a multinational building technology company. The company's next goal is to secure a series A funding round to scale their operations and expand their footprint in the market.

INOVUES' technology represents a sustainable solution for upgrading building facades without the need for extensive removal or disruptions. The combination of energy efficiency, improved design aesthetics, and the potential for rentable facades showcases the versatility and value of the company's technology. As the demand for sustainable building solutions continues to grow, and regulatory changes support energy efficiency projects, INOVUES is poised to make a significant impact in the industry. By focusing on both environmental and economic benefits, they are positioning themselves as a key player in the energy tech startup landscape.


Hosted by Jason Ethier and Nada Ahmed, the Digital Wildcatters’ podcast, Energy Tech Startups, delves into Houston's pivotal role in the energy transition, spotlighting entrepreneurs and industry leaders shaping a low-carbon future.

Will Tope, chief commercial officer of LiNa Energy, joined the Energy Tech Startups podcast to discuss the company's unique technology and growth plans. Photo via LinkedIn

Energy startup exec unveils breakthrough battery chemistry to revolutionize energy storage solutions


In a world striving for sustainable and efficient energy solutions, United Kingdom-based LiNa Energy emerges as a promising player in the field of advanced battery technologies.

With a focus on overcoming the limitations of traditional lithium-ion batteries, LiNa Energy — a member of the 2023 cohort for Houston-based incubator, Halliburton Labs — presents a unique chemistry that holds the potential to revolutionize energy storage.

In a recent episode of Energy Tech Startups with Will Tope, chief commercial officer of LiNa Energy, we delve into the key aspects of LiNa Energy's technology, exploring the challenges they seek to address and their plans for commercialization.

Energy Tech Startups: What is the main problem that LiNa Energy is trying to solve with their battery technology?

Will Tope: LiNa Energy is driven by a pressing dilemma in today's storage landscape: the limited efficiency and high costs associated with existing storage technologies. They aim to bridge the gap, providing low-cost, long-duration energy storage solutions that can effectively accommodate the increasing penetration of renewable energy sources in power grids worldwide. By addressing this critical need, LiNa Energy aims to unlock the full potential of low-cost, low-carbon electrons for global energy consumption patterns.

ETS: How does LiNa Energy's battery technology differ from traditional lithium-ion batteries?

WT: LiNa Energy's technology distinguishes itself through its unique chemistry and progressive use of ceramics. By combining a stable sodium-based chemistry, developed in the 1970s, with advancements in ceramics from the fuel cell industry, LiNa Energy maximizes safety, heat management, and energy density. Their battery cells feature thin planar ceramic electrolytes, enabling cost-efficient automated manufacturing and reducing the need for extensive thermal management systems. This streamlined approach offers both enhanced performance and cost-effectiveness.

ETS: What are the commercialization plans and target markets for LiNa Energy?

WT: LiNa Energy strategically targets markets with high solar potential, such as India, where the demand for storage solutions arises due to the growing deployment of renewables and the need to shift energy to peak demand periods. LiNa Energy aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of their systems through pilot projects at distribution scale by the end of the year. Leveraging partnerships and strong relationships with key players in the energy industry, LiNa Energy envisions gradual growth in manufacturing capacity worldwide. By offering competitive pricing, they aim to disrupt the market and drive widespread adoption of their innovative battery technology.

As the energy landscape continues to evolve, LiNa Energy's pursuit of affordable, long-duration energy storage technology stands out as a potential game-changer. With their unique chemistry, ceramic advancements, and focus on commercialization in markets with enormous renewable energy potential, LiNa Energy demonstrates a commitment to addressing the world's energy challenges. By challenging the status quo of traditional energy storage systems, LiNa Energy paves the way for a future where efficient and sustainable energy solutions become the norm.


This conversation has been edited for brevity and clarity. Click here to listen to the full episode.

Digital Wildcatters is a Houston-based media platform and podcast network, which is home to the Energy Tech Startups podcast.

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Oxy subsidiary secures Microsoft as largest-ever DAC carbon removal credit customer

major move

Occidental Petroleum’s Houston-based carbon capture, utilization and, sequestration (CCUS) subsidiary, 1PointFive, has inked a six-year deal to sell 500,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide removal credits to software giant Microsoft.

In a news release, 1Point5 says this agreement represents the largest-ever single purchase of carbon credits enabled by direct air capture (DAC). DAC technology pulls CO2 from the air at any location, not just where carbon dioxide is emitted.

Under the agreement, the carbon dioxide that underlies the credits will be stored in a below-the-surface saline aquifer and won’t be used to produce oil or gas.

“A commitment of this magnitude further demonstrates how one of the world’s largest corporations is integrating scalable [DAC] into its net-zero strategy,” says Michael Avery, president and general manager of 1PointFive. “Energy demand across the technology industry is increasing, and we believe [DAC] is uniquely suited to remove residual emissions and further climate goals.”

Brian Marrs, senior director for carbon removal and energy at Microsoft, says DAC plays a key role in Microsoft’s effort to become carbon-negative by 2030.

The carbon dioxide will be stored at 1PointFive’s first industrial-scale DAC plant, being built near Odessa. The $1.3 billion Stratos project, which 1Point5 is developing through a joint venture with investment manager BlackRock, is designed to capture up to 500,000 metric tons of CO2 per year.

The facility is scheduled to open in mid-2025.

Aside from Microsoft, organizations that have agreed to buy carbon removal credits from 1Point5 include Amazon, Airbus, All Nippon Airways, the Houston Astros, the Houston Texans, and TD Bank.

Occidental says 1PointFive plans to set up more than 100 DAC facilities worldwide by 2035.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott demands answers from Houston power company following Beryl

investigation incoming

With around 270,000 homes and businesses still without power in the Houston area almost a week after Hurricane Beryl hit Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott on Sunday said he's demanding an investigation into the response of the utility that serves the area as well as answers about its preparations for upcoming storms.

“Power companies along the Gulf Coast must be prepared to deal with hurricanes, to state the obvious,” Abbott said at his first news conference about Beryl since returning to the state from an economic development trip to Asia.

While CenterPoint Energy has restored power to about 2 million customers since the storm hit on July 8, the slow pace of recovery has put the utility, which provides electricity to the nation’s fourth-largest city, under mounting scrutiny over whether it was sufficiently prepared for the storm that left people without air conditioning in the searing summer heat.

Abbott said he was sending a letter to the Public Utility Commission of Texas requiring it to investigate why restoration has taken so long and what must be done to fix it. In the Houston area, Beryl toppled transmission lines, uprooted trees and snapped branches that crashed into power lines.

With months of hurricane season left, Abbott said he's giving CenterPoint until the end of the month to specify what it'll be doing to reduce or eliminate power outages in the event of another storm. He said that will include the company providing detailed plans to remove vegetation that still threatens power lines.

Abbott also said that CenterPoint didn't have “an adequate number of workers pre-staged" before the storm hit.

Following Abbott's news conference, CenterPoint said its top priority was “power to the remaining impacted customers as safely and quickly as possible,” adding that on Monday, the utility expects to have restored power to 90% of its customers. CenterPoint said it was committed to working with state and local leaders and to doing a “thorough review of our response.”

CenterPoint also said Sunday that it’s been “investing for years” to strengthen the area’s resilience to such storms.

The utility has defended its preparation for the storm and said that it has brought in about 12,000 additional workers from outside Houston. It has said it would have been unsafe to preposition those workers inside the predicted storm impact area before Beryl made landfall.

Brad Tutunjian, vice president for regulatory policy for CenterPoint Energy, said last week that the extensive damage to trees and power poles hampered the ability to restore power quickly.

A post Sunday on CenterPoint's website from its president and CEO, Jason Wells, said that over 2,100 utility poles were damaged during the storm and over 18,600 trees had to be removed from power lines, which impacted over 75% of the utility's distribution circuits.

Things to know: Beryl in the rearview, Devon Energy's big deal, and events not to miss

taking notes

Editor's note: Dive headfirst into the new week with three quick things to catch up on in Houston's energy transition.

Hurricane Beryl's big impact

Hundreds of thousands of people in the Houston area likely won’t have power restored until this week, as the city swelters in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl.

The storm slammed into Texas on July 8, knocking out power to nearly 2.7 million homes and businesses and leaving huge swaths of the region in the dark and without air conditioning in the searing summer heat.

Although repairs have restored power to nearly 1.4 million customers, the scale of the damage and slow pace of recovery has put CenterPoint Energy, which provides electricity to the nation's fourth-largest city, under mounting scrutiny over whether it was sufficiently prepared for the storm and is doing enough now to make things right.

Some frustrated residents have also questioned why a part of the country that is all too familiar with major storms has been hobbled by a Category 1 hurricane, which is the weakest kind. But a storm's wind speed, alone, doesn't determine how dangerous it can be. Click here to continue reading this article from the AP.

Big deal: Devon Energy to acquire Houston exploration, production biz in $5B deal

Devon Energy is buying Grayson Mill Energy's Williston Basin business in a cash-and-stock deal valued at $5 billion as consolidation in the oil and gas sector ramps up.

The transaction includes $3.25 billion in cash and $1.75 billion in stock.

Grayson Mill Energy, based in Houston, is an oil and gas exploration company that received an initial investment from private equity firm EnCap Investments in 2016.

The firm appears to be stepping back from energy sector as it sells off assets. Last month EnCap-backed XCL Resources sold its Uinta Basin oil and gas assets to SM Energy Co. and Northern Oil and Gas in a transaction totaling $2.55 billion. EnCap had another deal in June as well, selling some assets to Matador Resources for nearly $2 billion. Click here to continue reading.

Events not to miss

Put these Houston-area energy-related events on your calendar.

  • 2024 Young Leaders Institute: Renewable Energy and Climate Solutions is taking place July 15 to July 19 at Asia Society of Texas. Register now.
  • CCS/Decarbonization Project Development, Finance and Investment, taking place July 23 to 25, is the deepest dive into the economic and regulatory factors driving the success of the CCS/CCUS project development landscape. Register now.
  • The 5th Texas Energy Forum 2024, organized by U.S. Energy Stream, will take place on August 21 and 22 at the Petroleum Club of Houston. Register now.