Companies in Transition: June 13


This autonomous freight delivery provider has entered the Texas market. Photo via VAS

As explained at the launch event for on 1 June by David Gow, CEO of Gow Media, “…we plan to provide informative, unbiased coverage of the Houston-based initiatives, spanning big corporations and startups. We hope that a site dedicated to the transition will bring visibility to the city’s substantive progress and to the path forward.”

This series, Companies in Transition, highlights the latest energy transition activity happening here in the world’s Capital of Energy for companies of all sizes and stages. Natalie Harms, editor of our sister site, Innovation Map, caught up with a couple of such companies making strides last week.

Volvo Group announces new self-driving freight routes across Texas

A global car brand has expanded its autonomous transport-as-a-service company to Texas.

Volvo Autonomous Solutions, or VAS, announced it has established an office in Fort Worth to set up its first self-driving freight corridors between Dallas-Fort Worth and El Paso, as well as from Dallas to Houston. Ahead of commercial launch, VAS has started hauling freight for key customers like DHL and Uber Freight for testing purposes.

"At Volvo Autonomous Solutions, we believe the path to autonomy at scale is through reducing the friction and complications around ownership and operations for customers," says Nils Jaeger, president of VAS, in a news release. "This is why we have taken the decision to be the single interface to our customers and take full ownership of the elements required for commercial autonomous transport. With the opening of our office in Texas and start of operational activities, we are building the foundations for a transport solution that will change the way we move goods on highways."

As a part of the Volvo Group, VAS provides its Autonomous Transport Solutions — a combination of hardware, software, and services — to its customers. The company has a partnership with Aurora, which includes the integration of the Aurora Driver with Volvo's on-highway truck offering.

To learn more about how Volvo is building efficiency for the entire supply chain, head on over to InnovationMap to read more.

Multinational manufacturer partners with Greentown for new startup accelerator

A climatetech incubator with locations in Houston and Somerville, Massachusetts, has announced an accelerator program with a corporate partner.

Greentown Labs and Saint-Gobain, a multinational manufacturer and distributor of high-performance materials, have opened applications for Greentown Go Build 2023. The program intends to support and accelerate startup-corporate partnerships to advance climatetech, specifically focused on circularity and decarbonizing the built environment per a news release from Greentown.

“The Greentown Go Build program is an opportunity for innovative startups to share how they are disrupting the construction market with innovative and sustainable solutions that address the need for circularity and sustainability and that align with our mission of making the world a better home,” says Minas Apelian, vice president of external and internal venturing at Saint-Gobain. “Through this program, we are eager to identify companies dedicated to reducing our reliance on raw materials and associated supply chain risk to ensure circular solutions result in profitable, sustainable growth for business and sustainable construction solutions for our industries.”

Find out if your company is a fit for this prestigious opportunity over at InnovationMap.

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What Houston energy companies can learn from a new workforce development program

guest column

In Appalachia, a region known for its economic highs and lows, CNX is redefining what success looks like for the region. Through its Mentorship Academy, CNX is not just filling jobs, but creating meaningful careers that keep young people rooted in their communities. This program, designed to bridge the gap between education and the workforce, has been a game-changer for students who might otherwise not come across the same opportunities.

For those of us in Houston and across Texas, the CNX Mentorship Academy offers a powerful blueprint that could be replicated in our own communities. The challenges faced by young people in Appalachia — limited career options, economic downturns, and the pressure to leave home in search of better opportunities — are not unique to that region. Here in Texas, particularly in our rural areas and economically challenged neighborhoods, many young people face similar hurdles. But what if we could offer them the same kind of opportunities that CNX is providing in Appalachia?

At a recent graduation event held at PNC Park in Pittsburgh, the impact of the CNX Mentorship Academy was evident. The students who graduated that day were not just receiving diplomas; they were stepping into new careers and brighter futures. These young people, who had once been uncertain about their paths, are now equipped with the skills and confidence to succeed in high-paying jobs within their own communities.

One of the key takeaways from CNX’s approach is the importance of exposure. In many cases, students simply aren’t aware of the opportunities that exist in their own backyard. As industries like coal and automotive have declined in Appalachia, many young people believed their only option was to leave the region or settle for low-paying jobs. The shale revolution, however, has brought new life to the area, particularly in the energy sector. CNX recognized this and decided to use it as a platform to uplift the next generation.

The Mentorship Academy targets students who might not be on the traditional college-bound track. These are the kids who show up to school every day but don’t necessarily have a clear direction. This approach has allowed the program to tap into the potential of students who might otherwise be overlooked.

What truly sets the CNX Mentorship Academy apart is its hands-on approach. The students don’t just learn about career opportunities; they experience them. Whether it’s through site visits, internships, or working directly with mentors from companies like Evolution and CNX, these young people are getting a real taste of what their future could look like. “It's all about exposure. Like, you know, we can pour all the money into the schools you want... but if they don't have the opportunities to actually see it for themselves, experience it for themselves, it doesn't stick,” another speaker emphasized at the event.

The success stories coming out of the CNX Mentorship Academy are inspiring. One graduate, who initially entered the program disengaged and uncertain, has since become one of its biggest advocates. After securing a job with his preferred company, he’s now leading the charge in getting other students involved, showcasing his newfound leadership skills. “You can have multiple dreams... It's just, you know, being willing to take a risk, step outside and try something new,” he said, reflecting on his journey.

For Houston and Texas as a whole, the CNX Mentorship Academy offers a model worth emulating. The program’s success lies not just in its ability to place students in jobs, but in its focus on preparing them for careers that provide stability and growth. By connecting students with local industries and giving them the tools they need to succeed, CNX is helping to ensure that the next generation of workers is both capable and motivated.

The best part? The CNX Mentorship Academy’s blueprint is open-source, designed to be replicated in other regions. “There is no secret sauce. Everything is wide open... So this can be copied and scaled in Colorado or in Texas or anywhere else where you would want to duplicate this,” the program leaders shared.

As Houston continues to grow and evolve, programs like the CNX Mentorship Academy offer a valuable lesson: success isn’t just about getting a job; it’s about building a career and a future that benefits both the individual and the community. By adopting and adapting this model, we can create similar opportunities for our own youth, ensuring that they too have the chance to stay and thrive in their own backyards.


Julie McLelland is co-founder and head of product at Digital Wildcatters, a Houston-based company creating and cultivating a community for the next generation of energy professionals.

Google to invest $1B in clean energy, data center tech in Texas

money moves

Google is making a big investment in Texas to the tune of $1 billion.

According to a news release from the company, the tech giant will spend more than $1 billion to support its cloud and data center infrastructure and expand its commitment to clean energy.

The $1 billion will be spent on data center campuses in Midlothian and Red Oak to help meet growing demand for Google Cloud, AI innovations, and other digital products and services such as Search, Maps, and Workspace.

In addition to its data center investment, Google has also forged long-term power purchase agreements with Houston-based Engie, as well as Madrid-based entities Elawan, Grupo Cobra, and X-ELIO for solar energy based in Texas. Together, these new agreements are expected to provide 375 MW of carbon-free energy capacity, which will help support Google’s operations in Texas.

These agreements were facilitated through LEAP (LevelTen Energy’s Accelerated Process), which was co-developed by Google and LevelTen Energy to make sourcing and executing clean energy PPAs more efficient, and contributes to the company’s ambitious 2030 goal to run on 24/7 carbon-free energy on every grid where it operates.

The company has contracted with energy partners to bring more than 2,800 megawatts (MW) of new wind and solar projects to the state. Google’s CFE percentage in the ERCOT grid region, which powers its Texas data centers, nearly doubled from 41 percent in 2022 to 79 percent in 2023.

The initiatives were announced at a conference in Midlothian on August 15, attended by business leaders and politicians including U.S. Congressman Jake Ellzey, Google Cloud VP Yolande Piazza, Ted Cruz, and Citi CIO Shadman Zafar.

The Dallas cloud region is part of Google Cloud's global network of 40 regions that delivers services to large enterprises, startups, and public sector organizations.

In a statement, Piazza said that "expanding our cloud and data center infrastructure in Midlothian and Red Oak reflects our confidence in the state's ability to lead in the digital economy."

Data centers are the engines behind the growing digital economy. Google has helped train more than 1 million residents in digital skills through partnerships with 590 local organizations, including public libraries, chambers of commerce, and community colleges.

In addition to its cloud region and Midlothian data center, Google has offices in Austin, Dallas, and Houston. The new Google’s total investment in Texas to more than $2.7 billion.


This article originally ran on CultureMap.

Rice University to target Argentina energy sector with new initiative

headed south

A program at Rice University aiming to target the Argentine energy sector by including reports, workshops and conferences.

The Baker Institute for Public Policy announced a new initiative, the Baker Institute’s Argentina Energy Sector Initiatives, that will launch in September.

The initiative plans to bring together leading experts and policymakers to study the Argentine energy sector like oil and natural gas exploration and production, energy infrastructure (e.g., pipelines, electricity transmission and LNG export terminals), and the mining sector in the renewable energy transition. The initiative will include written reports and hold in-person conferences and workshops in Houston and Buenos Aires. There will also be a monthly online seminar series.

Fellows from the institute’s Center for Energy Studies will collaborate on the initiative with Argentine policymakers and technical experts and policymakers. Argentina contains the world’s second largest unconventional natural gas and fourth largest unconventional petroleum reserves, the Vaca Muerta shale formation.

The institute's Center for Energy Studies, which the Argentina program will take place in, has ranked as the top energy think tank in the world.

September’s formal launch will take place at the Baker Institute in Houston, and will be open to the public and live-streamed. The event will feature the participation of Baker Institute fellows, Argentina Program non-resident fellows, Argentine elected officials and others